
中央警察大學 105  學年度學士班


系別:各系     科目:英文



     今年警大二技考題不管是在出題方向或者是題型安排都沒有太大的變化,在考前的總複習有再三強調的遣返(repatriate)此字出現~ 另外,第一部分的單字有一題則是103年在警大研究所第9題與當年度內軌三等警察專業英文第47題(Home Confinement/House Arrest)的延伸例句。至於第8題的ETC,總算考出來了,此名詞解釋三年前到現在每年都一定提到toll此字就要講一次,今年總算出現。 ​​​​​​​

     至於第二題組對話部分,第一題真的考得太細了,通常口語講到的take a look at Sth..在這題裡面就出現了。但比較讓我質疑的是第17題,世界越來越小,是指實質還是抽象方面,因為的確氣候變遷海平面上升地表的確越來越小也是不爭的事實。網路上使用類似句子也都是在討論海平面上升的狀況,所以這題還是有點疑問。 ​​​​​​​


      第四部份的綜合測驗第32題就真的是答案錯誤了。 ​​​​​​​ 口訣之一的有 by 有被動。在這邊要選的分詞就是過去分詞,而不是 (A) 選項的現在分詞 inspiring 。出題老師應該出題時有閃神一下吧。另外這一部分有關於液體電擊槍可以參考流言終結者的影片介紹,可以了解為什麼需要再加上高壓的生理食鹽水。




一、字彙:請根據題意,選擇一個最適當的答案 ( 20 分 )


  1. A lot of      money was circulating in the market. The police warned shopkeepers to look out for forged notes.

(A)  made       (B) counterfeit  

(C) exclusive (D) nouveau        (E) contaminated



  1. Two firefighters were injured because of smoke        .

(A)  inundation                             (B) exhibition

(C) inhalation                              (D) exploitation

(E) deluge



  1. Tipped  off  by a police in  Thailand, drug  agents traced a shipment of teakwood furniture across the Pacific Ocean.

(A)  guerrilla     (B) vanguard  

(C) informant    (D) prophet   (E) complainant



  1. Immigration  officers  said that they are  ready to    those detainees back to their home country.

(A)  extract                 (B) report

(C) repatriate       (D) reserve                            (E) sanction





  1. Some misdemeanors are punishable by paying a     .

(A)  patrol       (B) fine                

(C) radar        (D) car                   (E) trip



  1. An act of deliberately damaging or destroying things, especially public property is called    .

(A)  ventilation      (B) vandalism        

(C) vocation       (D) vocalism          (E) vacation


有意傷害或破壞特別是公共財產的事物的行為被稱作”破壞公物” 。

  1. An order to remain at home for a certain period of time is called arrest.

(A)  house       (B) home

(C) family       (D) restricted      (E) open



  1. ETC allows the traffic on freeways paying without stopping. What does it stands for?

(A)  Electronic Traffic Control

(B)  Engineering Traffic Control

(C)  Electronic Toll Collection

(D)  Engineering Toll Collection

(E)  Electric Toll Control





toll 的另外解釋也可當死亡人數。

  1. Police lineup is the identification procedure to determine whether the suspect is the       of the crime.

(A)  abettor                   (B) perpetrator

(C) pickpocket       (D) plaintiff       (E) betrayer



  1. According to the FBI, identity theft is the number one committed on the Internet.

(A)  piracy       (B) larceny          

(C) forgery    (D) theft               (E) fraud





二、會話:請根據題意,選擇一個最適當的答案 ( 20 分 )

  1. Police: What happened?

Pedestrian: As I came around the corner, I saw the robbers running down the street.

Police: Did you get  _____ 

  1. the look on their faces?
  2. a look on their faces?
  3. to look in their faces?
    1. a look at their faces?
  4. a look of their faces?





(A)  在他們的臉上看到?

(B)  在他們臉上看一下?

(C)  去看他們臉?

(D)  看到他們的長相?

(E)  他們臉上的表情?

12.  Police: This is a one way street, sir. You have driven the wrong way down a one-way street. Driver: Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know that!


  1. Will you tell me the truth?
  2. You can say that again. How could you be so reckless?
    1. Didn’t you see any traffic lights?
      1. Didn’t you see the no-entry sign?
  3. How come you did this!




警察: ___






13.  Officer Chen: Justin, let’s go jogging after work,        

Officer Lin (Justin): We can t unless we finish our report.

  1. shall we?                    (B) can we?

       (C) may you?                     (D) will you?

(E) may we?


    陳姓員警: Justine,下班後去慢跑,怎樣?


     (A)好嗎?            (B)我們能?

      (C)也許你?        (D)你願意嗎?



      Let’s 的附加問句都是以shall we?

  1. Foreigner: Why did you pull me over? Police:      
    1. I am glad to hear that.
    2. We are conducting a routine roadside check.
    3. I don’t feel like staying here.
    4. Everything is going to be okay.
    5. What is the question?









  1. The supermarket caught on fire this morning.

    (A) Really? What did she say?                 (B) Was anybody hurt?

     (C) What about going for a ride?           (D) How do you like the class?

(E) Any message for me?



 (A)真的嗎? 她說了什麼?





  1. Will you take a check?
    1. I’m afraid we accept cash only.
    2. No problem. I’ll check this for you.
    3. O.K. What’s wrong with the check?
    4. Fine, I’ll take a rain check.
    5. But there seems to be something wrong with the bill.





(C)O.K. 支票上有什麼錯誤的?



  1. Each year the world gets smaller and smaller.
    1. Have you confirmed it yet?
    2. So would I, if I got the chance.
    3. The Internet has a lot to do with it.
    4. Climate change is an issue.
    5. It’s no wonder it takes so long to fly to Africa.








  1. These days, kids have tough time concentrating on anything.
    1. It was a difficult test after all.
    2. I can help you focus that camera.
    3. Except for computer games and toys.
    4. The school holiday is too long.
    5. Children grow up very fast.








  1. I heard that you were sick.

(A)  Yes,  I’ll be gone for a week.

(B) Yeah, but mine is more fashionable.

(C) Neither did I.

(D) Yes, it will probably rain.

(E) Yes, I had a cold.








  1. If you find a thousand dollars lining on the sidewalk, what would you do?
    1. Are you sure you dropped it on the sidewalk?
    2. I told you it was mine.
    3. I thought I gave it back to you already.
    4. A police called me.
    5. I’d probably buy myself something nice with it.









三、文法:請根據題意,選擇一個最適當的答案 ( 20 分 )

  1. The fugitive was sentenced   five-year imprisonment.

(A)  with          (B) at                     

(C) to               (D) by                    (E) on



be sentenced to +  刑期   被判~刑期

  1. A man was caught         a candy bar in the convenience store by police. He claimed to have paid for it but was unable to show any proof.

(A)  stolen      (B) stealing        

(C) steal         (D) stole               (E) to steal



be caught + (in) V-ng 被抓到Ving    

  1. Lewis decided to study in the police academy     he could safeguard people’s


(A)  if          (B) in order to

       (C) until       (D) so that     (E) thus


  Lewis 決定就讀警校,如此以後他能保衛他人生命。

  (B)in order to 後須接(+ VR)動詞原型,(D)為副詞,無法連接兩個子句。

  1. The policeman impounded her car because she drove a(n)     car.

(A)  leased     (B) license           

(C) licensed  (D) unleased       (E) unlicensed



  1. Peter is            vacation in Japan now.

(A)  for             (B) in

(C) on             (D) at                     (E) with


Peter 現在在日本度假

On vacation  固定用法

  1. The news about Tessa     very interesting.

(A)  dose         (B) do

(C) are            (D) is                     (E) have



News 此複數名詞當主詞時與單數動詞連用

  1. Betty is sad because she did   on her last test.

(A)  poor          (B) poorer           

(C) poorest   (D) peaty              (E) poorly



did (something) poorly

  1. Jack can eat twenty hotdogs two minutes. Can you believe it?

(A)  about      (B) in                    

(C) to              (D) from                (E) with


Jack 在兩分鐘內吃進了20根熱狗。你能相信這件事嗎?

  1. According to the police investigation, this accident        the driver’s carelessness.

    (A) arose from                              (B) resulted in

     (C) originated                               (D) due to

    (E) brought about



(B) 、(E)皆為引起導致,後接結果。

(C) originate from  少介係詞。

(D)  由於,但是due to並非動詞片語,若選此選項,此句將缺少動詞。


  1. A dog is different        a cat, but they are both good pets.

(A)  from         (B) with

(C) in               (D) for                   (E) to



          A be different from B    A 與B不相同

四、綜合測驗:請根據題意,選擇一個最適當的答案  ( 20  )


Coping with situations like out-of-control crowds, high speed chases, armed standoffs and hostage dramas can be a dangerous process for police, suspects, and bystanders 31 . To reduce the risk, researchers are trying to create and improve weapons that can be used without deadly force.


  32  by paintball battles, researchers realized the same types of guns that fire paint could fire pepper spray. The guns help officers keep their distance and avoid accidental 33 the chemical or poisonous substance.


Another option under development is the liquid stun gun, which combines the concept of the water cannon with electric gun technology. It fires a high-pressure saline solution and is electrified with 9-volt batteries. And specifically, the liquid stun gun doesn't need reloading. Such weapons are generally considered safe, although there's a slight chance that they could prove  34  to those wearing   pacemakers.


All of these new, non-lethal weapons are still in the testing and development phases. But researchers say the products will soon be available to help law enforcement agencies deal with potentially  dangerous situations without unnecessarily  35       lives.


出處: http://goo.gl/9hJbfT   

Halt! or you'll be liquid-stunned


31. (A) likely               (B) alike                       

  (C) the same        (D) in addition          (E) mostly

32. (A) Inspiring        (B) Inspired             

  (C) To inspire      (D) For inspiring        (E) With inspiring

33. (A) contact          (B) contact with

  (C) contact of      (D) contact in             (E) contact to

34. (A) of fatal          (B) to fatal          

      (C) fatally            (D) fatal                      (E) fatality

35. (A) endanger      (B) endanger to   

     (C) endanger of   (D) endangering of   (E) endangering

  2. I am looking           graduating in May.

(A)  upto         (B) into                 

(C) unto         (D) forward to   (E) so as to



   Look forward to +N/V-ing   期待N/Ving  (片語)

37.     The phone line is engaged. What does it mean?

(A)  We  got into an argument.    

(B) The phone line is busy.

(C) The phone went to voicemail.    

(D) The phone hung up on me.

(E) The phone didn’t go through.




38.     There was a blackout last night;      , we had to study by candle light.

(A)  nevertheless                         (B) therefore

(C) similarly                                   (D) sincerely

(E) furthermore




Mistaken eyewitness identification is the major cause of    39     innocent people. This is not to  say that witnesses are insincere.   40   , normal functions of the human mind tend to distort memories. Memory can be broken into three stages: acquisition, storage, and retrieval. During every stage, people may make errors. At the acquisition stage, memories are colored by witness anxiety, duration of the event, and complexity of the event. Additionally , humans cannot possibly perceive everything that is going on around them. During storage, memory may be altered by intervening events or information. Even at the stage of retrieval, a witness may make certain claims, despite his or her uncertainty.

目擊證人指證錯誤是害無辜民眾被判刑定罪的最主要原因。這並非是說目擊證人是不真誠的。而是說,人類頭腦的正常機能會扭曲記憶。記憶可分成三個階段: 獲取,存儲和檢索。每個階段期間,人們都可能會發生錯亂。在獲取階段,記憶會因目擊者的焦慮感,事件時間長短,和複雜度而被加油添醋。此外,人們可能無法意識到所有周遭所發生的每個細節。在儲存階段,記憶可能會因為干擾的事件或訊息而有所改變。即使是在(檢索)回想起的階段,雖然不怎確定,但目擊者還是會做出一些特定的聲稱來。

39.     (A) to convict                             (B) conviction with

      (C) conviction of                        (D) convict

       (E) conviction to

  1. (A) Rather           (B) As a result    

       (C)Onlyif            (D)Furthermore     (E) Unless

五、閱讀測驗:請根據題意,選擇一個最適當的答案 ( 20 分 )


Children who are abused or neglected are far more likely to become criminals as adults, according to a study released by an organization of police chiefs, prosecutors, psychologists and crime victims. The report by Fight Crime: Invest in Kids recommends more money for pre-kindergarten programs and parenting classes, saying the cost will be offset later when children who might have been burdens on society grow up to be upstanding citizens. “Children who survive abuse and neglect can be significantly injured,” said one of the report's authors, Dr. Randell Alexander. “Many go on to hurt others. If you are born into a world of violence, you wire yourself for violence, not for peace.”

根據一份由警察首長,檢察官,心理學家和犯罪受害者的組織所發表的一項研究,受到虐待或忽視的兒童在成年後非常有可能成為罪犯。一篇名為打擊犯罪:投資兒童的報告中建議挹注更多金錢在學前的課程和親子養育課程,並表示當以前是社會累贅負擔的這些孩童長大成為正直的公民時,這項成本將會攤平。 這份報告中的作者之一,Randell Alexander 博士表示“在虐待和忽視中活下來的兒童會被傷得相當重。 “這些孩子中有許多會去傷害他人。如果你出生在暴力的世界,你會將自己連接到暴力,而非和平。“

Using various governmental data and academic and advocacy group studies, researchers said child abuse and neglect is vastly underreported. The 900,000 cases reported annually by the Health and Human Services Department may be only one-third of the actual total, the report said. The report cited a study published by Dr. Cathy Spatz Widom, a professor of criminal justice and psychology at the State University of New York at Albany, found that individuals who had been abused or neglected as youngsters were 29 percent more likely to become violent criminals than other children. Using that estimate, researchers said 36,000 children will become violent criminals when they reach adulthood, including 250 who will become murders.

利用各類政府數據以及學術與鼓吹團體的研究,研究人員表示,受到虐待和忽視的兒童有很大比例的未通報情況。報告中表示,每年美國衛生和公眾服務部所通報的90萬案例,也許僅是實際總和的1/3而以。該報告引用紐約州立大學奧爾巴尼分校刑事司法和心理學教授Cathy Spatz Widom博士發表的一項研究發現到,比起其他孩童,被虐待或忽視的青少年有29%將來可能成為暴力犯。具估計,研究人員表示,當他們成年時,就有36000的孩子成為暴力罪犯,其中還包括250名謀殺犯。

The report's authors include four local prosecutors and two sheriffs. They said the findings illustrate the need for more governmental funds for pre-kindergarten programs and parenting classes for families considered high-risk for child abuse, primarily those on welfare or headed by high school dropouts.


  1. The people who participated in this study did NOT include      .
    1. police officers
    2. government officials
    3. crime victims
    4. scholars
    5. social worker
  2. According to Dr. Randell Alexander,           .
    1. children who survive abuse usually grow up to be upstanding citizens
    2. the cost for pre-kindergarten programs will not be balanced later
    3. people may fall victim to children who have been abused and neglected
    4. those who are born into a world of violence will surely be burdens on society
    5. children who survive abuse and neglect can be significantly upright
    7. Randell Alexander博士:
      1. 人們可能會淪為那些先前被虐待或忽視的孩童的受害者。
  3. The word “offset” in line 4 is mostly like        .
    1. Initiated     (B) set up     
    2.    (D) compensated                     (E) shortened
    3. Based on the report by Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, the actual total of child abuse and neglect every year may be    cases.

(A) 30,000      (B) 36,000            

(C) 261,000    (D) 900, 000         (E) 2,700,000





  1. The report by Fight Crime: Invest in Kids                                          .
    1. illustrated the need for strict enforcement of the law against child abuse and neglect
    2. supported the idea that more money should be spent on parenting classes for families receiving aid from the government
    3. found children who had been abused or neglected were 29 percent more likely to become violent criminals than other children
    4. were questioned by the Health and Human Services Department, an organization in charge of preventing child abuse
    5. was co-authored by eight people


        打擊犯罪:投資兒童 的報告中:

(B)  支持花更多錢在那些領取政府補助的家庭它們的養育子女課程,該主意。


Most of us have heard of the polygraph test, more commonly known as a lie-detector test. In this test, the detectors record a person’s physiological reactions to certain questions. That is, a pair of plates that can sense and measure subtle increases in sweating is attached to a person’s fingers, while at the same time other devices monitor increases in blood pressure and pulse rate as well as breathing depth. In administering the test, examiners usually ask neutral questions such as birth dates and addresses in order to compare these responses with those from emotionally charged questions. While the polygraph is the most common and long used measure, factors such as hunger or alcohol use can cause misleading polygraph results. Minor self-inflicted pain during the test can also result in false positives.

Another technology, the electroencephalograph (ECG), is also used to detect lies, but in quite a different way. As it turns out, one particular brain wave, which researchers have isolated and can graph, surges whenever we see something we recognize. It’s impossible for any person to voluntarily suppress this surge. So, when a crime suspect wearing a special headband hooked up to an ECG machine is shown images or words connected with the crime and the brain wave suddenly spikes, the suspect’s brain is essentially shouting, I’m guilty!

Moreover, a newer form of lie detector is far simpler than any other technology, aside from simply observing body language. People cannot help hesitating ever so briefly just before telling a lie. With modern computer technology, we can now detect and measure the briefest such pauses, which tell us when someone is lying.

  1. Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the passage?
    1. How to Cheat on a Lie Detector Test
    2. Do Polygraph Tests Always Reveal Lies?
    3. In Search of the Perfect Lie Detector
    4. The Technology of Crime Investigation
    5. Pathology Tests vs. ECG Tests
  2. The word “those” in line 6 refers to     .

(A)  responses     (B) questions     

(C) addresses     (D) birthdates     (E) examiners

  1. According to the passage, physiological reactions include all of the following EXCEPT
    1. breathing movements
    2. posture differences
    3. blood-pressure changes
    4. heartbeats
    5. sweating
  2. The passage indicates that whenever we see something we recognize, a brain wave
    1. suddenly rises up higher than it was
    2. suddenly falls down
    3. suddenly slows down
    4. suddenly shouts out
    5. suddenly disappears
  3. According to the author,                               .
    1. lies are always detected by the polygraph
    2. all physiological reactions indicate lying
    3. a liar will often pause, even if just for a moment
    4. observing the body movements can’t help to tell if a person is lying
    5. the briefest pauses of a person cannot be detected and measured







    創作者 呂艾肯-警特英文 的頭像


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