解題老師: 呂艾肯(博士候選人); 吳泰良(博士)

各所 共同科目英文       

一、    Vocabulary:(20分)

1. _____ is the pat-down of a person’s outer clothing after a stop to see if the suspect has a weapon or something that feels like a weapon, which can be seized by the officer.

(A)Search                                          (B)Arrest

(C)Frisk                                           (D)Crack-down

(警3講義第128頁2單字; 第133頁Topic II – Stop and Frisk相關例句)

2.  Sharp objects and flammable items are _________ on the aircraft.

(A)prohibited                                   (B)promoted

(C)admitted                                       (D)permitted

 (警3講義第100頁實況對話相同例句; 101年移民署外國文第9題)

3. ___________ is the crime of deceiving people in order to gain something such as money or goods.

(A)Piracy                                          (B)Murder

(C)Larceny                                        (D)Fraud

 (警大研究所二技加強班講義第32頁相同考題; 101年移民署外國文第11題)

4.  Technical curricula are requisite in a wide range of fields.

(A)assimilated                                    (B)promoted

(C)demanded                                   (D)acquired

5. The expansion of public services has caused concern that the civil service branches are becoming autonomous powers.

(A)independent                                (B)advanced

(C)superior                                        (D)perilous


6. Crowd behavior is characterized as a spontaneous collective reaction to a publicly observed event.

(A)chaotic                                         (B)gratifying

(C)instinctive                                   (D)uninterrupted

(警大研究所二技加強班講義 警大研究所10年一網打盡高頻率單字第1187單字)

7. Because of his novel approaches to scientific problems, Edison was able to patent dozens of inventions.

(A)original                                       (B)varied

(C)coherent                                       (D)unbiased

(警3講義第33頁Today’s Security Environment 句中相同用法We are challenged not only by novel employment of conventional weaponry,…)

8. The fire salamander is so called because of an antiquated belief that it could withstand fire.

(A)well-developed                             (B)old-fashioned

(C)carefully fabricated                       (D)widely held

9.  The engineer had a ______ reason for changing the design of the building.

(A)peculiar                                        (B)legitimate

(C)sharp                                            (D)subsequent

(警3講義第91頁第35個單字; 警大研究所10年一網打盡高頻率單字第1499單字)

10.  The recent downturn in the housing industry ______ the poor economic conditions.

(A)radiates                                       (B)symbolizes

(C)spans                                          (D)synthesizes

(警大研究所二技加強班講義第33頁; 警大二技10年一網打盡高頻率單字第682單字)



1.   Policy assessment studies in the 1970s cast doubt on the effectiveness of these strategies for preventing crime. For instance, the experimental study of preventive patrol in Kansas City found that changing the level of patrol coverage had no effect on crime and citizen fear of crime. Other evaluative research showed that rapid response to calls for service from citizens didn’t increase the likelihood of preventing a crime or apprehending an offender. Finally, evidence from dozens of studies suggests that traditional police strategies to reduce, control, or prevent crime are ineffective.



(警大研究所二技加強班講義第26頁 警政研究翻譯之 “堪薩斯市預防巡邏實驗”)


2.   The safeguards introduced under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act, such as an impartial custody officer, a right to free legal advice, strict time limits on the length of detention and the tape-recording of interviews, have subsequently made it more difficult for the police to engage in ‘fishing expeditions’, to detain suspects without firm grounds for doing so, to make informal deals with them or to apply physical or psychological pressures to induce them to confess.

   在1984年英國的”警察及刑事證據法“所引用的防護措施下,像公正的監所警員,免費法律諮詢的權利,拘留時間的長短以及詢問時的錄音嚴格的限制,隨後使的警方在做搜羅不利於某人證據為目的時的調查(fishing expeditions) 、沒有確鑿的理由來拘留犯罪嫌疑人、與嫌疑人做非正式的交易、或實行生理或心理的壓力來勸誘嫌疑人認罪的這些做法更加難以實行。



英國: 1984年警察及刑事證據法(Police and Criminal Evidence Act,下稱1984年法)第78條第一項則將此一由法官裁量排除證據之普通法原則成文法化,明定:「在考慮全案的所有情況後,包括取得證據時之環境,若法院認為容許檢方所提出之證據,將對於審判程序之公正產生負面效果(would have such an adverse effect on the fairness of the proceedings),則法院不應容許該證據。」

 美國: 歷經聯邦最高法院在1886年Boyd v. United States案、1914年Weeks v. United States案 1961年Mapp v. Ohio案等關鍵性案件的判決,確立警方非法取得的證據資料,不論在聯邦或各州的刑事程序中,都不得使用的原則,其目的與理由之一在於制止警察執法上的不當行為。此非法取得證據為毒樹的「原則」,自有其例外,包括「(警方之)善意例外」、「無可避免發現例外」、「污漬清除例外」、「獨立來源例外」等。


3.   In a study of miscarriages of justice in the USA where the convicted person had subsequently been completely exonerated as a result of DNA testing, it was found that the most common contributory factor was mistaken identity, which occurred in 52 percent of the cases. Caucasians misidentified African-Americans defendants in 35 percent of the cases, but African-Americans also misidentified other African-Americans in 24 percent of the cases.



   (警3講義第二單元相關內容exonerate 第6單字 miscarriage 第10單字 )


三、Reading Comprehension:(20分)

Concern for the environment in the US extends back into the nineteenth century, when nature lovers and sports enthusiasts first sought protection for areas of exceptional natural beauty or significance. But it was not until the late 1960’s that environment concerns entered the mainstream of American political debate. By then many Americans had come to the conclusion that more development was not necessarily desirable, especially if it meant more polluted air, dying lakes and rivers, and a landscape strewn with unsightly waste, and crowded with sprawling construction projects. In May of 1970, several environmental groups staged the first Earth Day celebration, designed to heighten public awareness of environmental problems. The success of that initial effort led to it becoming a regular annual event.

During the 1950s and 1960s, industrial and vehicle pollution levels had become a serious threat to public health, so the environmental movement of this period focused heavily on restoring and ensuring the cleanliness of basic air and water supplies. Rapidly expanding development pressures were also spurring efforts to preserve unique lands and threatened wildlife habitats, and to protect the endangered species supported by them before they vanished into extinction. It is generally accepted that the environmental protection movement was so successful because of its grass roots support; groups of activists in hundreds of towns that took the initiative in cleaning up their own communities. During the 1970s, this local activism reinforced support for the passage of key laws at the national level, such as the Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, Endangered Species Act, and National Environmental Policy Act, which together have constituted the foundation for environmental standards in the US ever since.

In addition to this national legislation, the year after the first Earth Day, by executive order, President Nixon established the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); an organization dedicated to restoring and protecting the environment. The EPA spearheaded many contemporary efforts to protect the environment, but it was not working alone. It was allied with a wide variety of distinctly different and separate organizations ranging from a small number of well-funded high-profile national and international organizations to many thousands of smaller special interest groups and even individuals working at the local level. The EPA has now become one of the government’s largest and most influential regulatory agencies. Through its own efforts and in cooperation with other organizations, it has earned a large measure of credit for protecting and restoring the quality of the environment in the United States.

Although one might assume that the cause of environmental protection would engender universal support, it does have its detractors. One criticism that has been leveled against the movement is the claim that its predictions about the dire consequences of environmental damage have often been in error. Environmentalists counter this assertion by pointing out that their warnings have often brought about changes on the part of the public, the government and private industry, and that these changes prevented the predictions from being realized. However, just as it is often very difficult to gauge the impact of human activity on something as complex as the environment, it is equally difficult to determine which side is right in this debate. Because environmental issues cover such a wide range of concerns, this is a question that must be considered on a case by case basis. These voices of dissent have demonstrated to environmentalists the need to apply quantitative methods in assessing the extent of the destruction they have witnessed, or the degree to which their work has been manifested in actual improvement of the environment.

However vocal the critics of environmental protection efforts may be, given the very considerable body of environmental legislation that exists, it is safe to assume that their views do not represent the majority opinion. Private advocacy groups, the EPS, state legislatures and Congress have worked together to enact numerous laws regarding air and water quality, land use and waste management. That should be evidence enough of the broad extent of the popular support that underlies the movement.


1. On which of the following does the passage mainly focus?

(A)Earth Day’s impact on the environmental movement.

(B)How to protect the environment of the planet.

(C)The environmental protection movement, and how it began.

(D)The success of the EPA in protecting natural resources.

2. The word spurring in the passage is closest in meaning to

(A)opposing                                       (B)managing

(C)supporting                                     (D)motivating

3. According to paragraph 2, why was the environmental protection movement so widely successful?

(A)It protected plants and animals people cared about.

(B)It functioned well at the local level.

(C)It voted unsympathetic politicians out of office.

(D)It forced ratification of important national laws.

4. Which president established the EPA?

(A)Roosevelt                                      (B)Clinton

(C)Nixon                                           (D)Obama

5. The word spearheaded in the passage is closest in meaning to

(A)led                                                (B)inspired

(C)conceived                                     (D)modified

6. According to paragraph 4, what was a common criticism of the environmental movement?

(A)It suggested measures that would harm the economy.

(B)It predictions could not be prevented through practical action.

(C)That it lacked the support needed to make any real progress.

(D)The environmental damage it claimed was not seen.

7. According to the passage, what effect did the criticism of the environmental movement have?

(A)It caused the environmentalists to change their methods.

(B)It decreased federal assistance for environmental protection.

(C)It diminished popular support for the EPA.

(D)It revitalized support for the environmental protection movement.

8. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the underlined sentence in the passage?

(A)      Critics of the movement were successful in dissuading many environmentalists from supporting some of the more drastic measures that had been suggested by questioning the quantitative methods they employed.

(B)      Opponents of the environmental protection movement succeeded in getting the activists to take another, more objective, approach to substantiating their claims.

(C)      People who disagreed with the environmentalists eventually were able to persuade many that the methods employed by the environmental movement were invalid and their conclusion incorrect.

(D)      Members of environmental groups were reluctant to employ quantitative methods in assessing environmental damage because they felt the results might not substantiate their claims.

9. The word dire in the passage is closest in meaning to

(A)unrealized                                      (B)possible

(C)grave                                           (D)imaginary

10.  The word dissent in the passage is closest in meaning to

(A)opposition                                  (B)support

(C)indifference                                 (D)ambivalence



Write an essay on the following topic: Information technology in policing and its impacts


(警大研究所二技加強班講義第15頁 警察英文作文 練習題) 




在你日常生活中,什麼科技產品是絕對少不了的?文章請分成兩段。第一段描述該科技產品在你生活當中的重要性,第二段描述假如沒有該科技產品,對你生活可能造成的影響。 (與96年警碩作文題目相近)



一開始即言明某項你日常生活中不可或缺的(indispensable)科技產品(technological product),如3G mobile phone with GPS feature、無線插卡筆電(wireless、Internet card-inserted lap-top),或高畫素錄影/錄音功能的MP4……等,及它對你日常生活的重要性(或已造成生活方式的改變情形)。





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