





Obama says "lone wolf terrorist" biggest U.S. threat

美國最大的威脅- 獨狼恐怖分子


 (Reuters) - A decade after the 9/11 attacks, a "lone wolf terrorist" like the shooter in Norway now presents a bigger risk to the United States than a large-scale operation, President Barack Obama said on Tuesday.

(路透社)- 下個月將屆時9/11恐怖攻擊十周年,美國總統奧巴馬在週二表示,比起大規模恐怖行動,像挪威槍手這樣的“獨狼式恐怖分子”現在對美國有更大的風險危機。

"The most likely scenario that we have to guard against right now ends up being more of a lone wolf operation than a large, well-coordinated terrorist attack," Obama told CNN.


"When you've got one person who is deranged or driven by a hateful ideology, they can do a lot of damage, and it's a lot harder to trace those lone wolf operators," he said.


Obama described "extraordinary progress" in degrading al Qaeda, the group behind the September 11, 2001 hijackings whose leader Osama bin Laden was killed by U.S. forces in May.


"They are a much weaker organization with much less capability than they had just two or three years ago," he said, while stressing a need for "heightened awareness" of potential attacks around the anniversary next month.



 Attorney General Eric Holder is most afraid of a terrorist attack on the United States from a so-called "lone wolf," such as the attackers involved in the Washington Navy Yard and Los Angeles International Airport shootings.

美國司法部長Eric Holder最擔憂如華盛頓海軍工廠涉案者與洛杉磯國際機場槍擊事件中所謂的“獨狼”,對於給國的恐怖攻擊。

He said: "I'm very concerned about individuals who get radicalized in a variety of ways, sometimes self-radicalized,"  

他表示: 對於許多方面較為"激進"或有時是"自我形成激進意識"的個體是我非常關注擔憂的部分。


l  Attorney General: 台灣翻譯則是檢察總長,在美國則是司法部長為美國政府首席法律顧問,內閣中唯一不使用部長頭銜(Secretary),在總統繼任順序中排名第七名

美國總法務官是在美國總統上任後提名,由美國參議院批准產生,而總統有權隨時解除總法務官的職務。Eric Holder是美國歷史上第一任非裔美籍的司法部長。



l  Minister of Justice 法務部部長; President of Judical Yuan 司法院院長


美國傳媒報導,波士頓爆炸案疑犯焦哈爾向調查員表示,襲擊由其哥哥領導,沒有涉及國際恐怖組織。美國有線新聞網絡(CNN)引述沒有透露姓名的美國政府消息人士稱,“初步的問話顯示,兩兄弟符合‘自我激進聖戰主義者(self-radicalized jihadists)’的分類。”




    創作者 呂艾肯-警特英文 的頭像


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