

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge 澆冷水傳愛

The ALS ice bucket challenge, an internet fundraising campaign for a motor neuron disease, has literally drenched much of the US. Now, many are hoping this campaign will create a big splash in Taiwan, raising both money and awareness for those suffering from ALS.



Facebook founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, is seen here being doused by a bucket of ice water as part of an ALS fundraising challenge. Afterwards, he nominates Microsoft co-founder and former CEO, Bill Gates. After being nominated, Bill Gates went all out and designed an elaborate contraption to douse himself with water.




The ALS ice bucket challenge began in New Zealand in July of this year, and soon spread virally throughout the US. The event is primarily a fundraiser and has since attracted a numbers of famous participants, raising some NT$290 million.




Using eye movements to communicate with a translator, this well known Taiwanese person suffering from ALS, Chen Yin-hsueh, encourages more people to take up the challenge. The Taiwan foundation in the first half of the year has raised only NT$10 million, making it difficult to provide full support to domestic ALS sufferers. The local association says this ALS ice bucket challenge began as a humorous way to raise money in the west, and though they are unsure how it will translate in Asia, they believe that any new method of fundraising is very much appreciated.

一字一句都只能用眼球表達,再透過看護翻譯。台灣漸凍人陳銀雪也鼓勵台灣跟進,因為台灣漸 凍人協會今年上半年募款不到一千萬,要全面照顧台灣漸凍人實在很困難。協會表示,冰桶挑戰是西方人的幽默,東方人不一樣能接受,但會吸引這樣創意經驗,發展新招,吸引民眾目光,改善募款困境。


肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化症ALS, Amyotrophic/ 肌萎縮 lateral/ 脊髓  sclerosis/ 硬化),又稱·賈里格症Lou Gehrig's disease),肌萎縮側索硬化症,俗稱為漸凍人症,是一個漸進和致命的神經退行性疾病。起因是中樞神經系統內控制骨骼肌運動神經元motor neuron)退化所致。ALS病人由於下運動神經元upper/lower motor neurons)都退化和死亡並停止傳送訊息到肌肉,在不能運作的情況下,肌肉逐漸衰弱、萎縮最後,大腦完全喪失控制隨意運動的能力。這種疾病並不一定會如老人痴呆症般影響病人的心理運作。相反,那些患有晚期疾病的病人仍可保留發病前的記憶,同樣的人格和智力




    創作者 呂艾肯-警特英文 的頭像


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