


而選擇題部分去年15題單字選填今年換成10,額外加入一篇5題有關於巴黎隧道砸窗搶劫的綜合測驗(克漏字)這一篇的難度也比單純的單字選擇題組來的困難,所以取分會較不易,最後,每年必選的一篇閱讀測驗,由去年的全美第一位女警(Alice Stebbins Wells)換成警眷家暴(domestic violence among police officers)主題,難易度相近,預估錄取分數在警察專業英文這科方面仍然不會產生太多變化。以上是對於今年警察考試-警察專業英文這科題目的出題方向感想。若有其他相關問題,也再請寫信來詢問或部落格留言。預祝大家順利

104年 警察三等內軌考試 英文解答

三等共同警察專業英文  (104警三)



1. 開車時傳簡訊,不但危險也是違法的。

   It is not only dangerous but also illegal to text while driving.


翻譯技巧: 同學需留意句中中文詞性與格位,此句應分成5個部分來看。

  1. 首先是時間副詞片語的「開車時」,
  2. 其次是身為主詞的「傳簡訊」此事,注意此處可用動名詞當主詞的概念,但老師的寫法是用更英文式的虛主詞方式來寫,
  3. 第三則是尋找動詞的「」,
  4. 第四部份則是由「不但/僅…也/還是」的句型套入,
  5. 最後因為不僅…還有…的片語句型是對等連接片語,所以not only A but also B;  A與B兩者皆需詞性一致。而A與B則為危險的違法的兩個形容詞



2. 自行車再度受歡迎的主要原因是運動需求。

   The main reason why bicycle becomes popular again is the need/reqirement of exercise.



翻譯技巧: 同學需留意句中中文詞性與格位,此句應分成4個部分來看。

  1. 首先判斷主詞,此句主詞為「原因」另外有個「主要的」形容詞來修飾,
  2. 句中動詞動詞為「」,
  3. 而「運動的需求」則為補語,補充說明此原因,在五大句型中即為 S + Vi + SC,此補語的表達方式可用 N1 of N2 兩個名詞來表示,此處of + N2 為形容詞來修飾N1,所以需求則為N1 運動則為N2
  4. 中文有「」其詞性即為形容詞,但該形容詞中若出現動詞的情況時,此形容詞應為形容詞子句,所以「自行車再度受歡迎的」即為形容詞子句。而形容詞子句在英文句構上是放在先行詞此名詞之後來修飾的,所以先行詞出現後再補上形容詞子句做後位修飾,此形容詞有主詞自行車、





警察執行勤務時,如果和民眾溝通不良,容易因誤解而發生爭執甚至衝突。請寫一篇短文,並舉例說明警察與民眾互動時,可以應用那些溝通技巧或原則來完成任務。        (104警三)




41.A new bill urging US President Obama to push for observer _______ for Taiwan in the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) was introduced into the US Congress.               (104警三)

(A)squad       n. 班; 小隊, 小組  

(B)squat        v. 蹲下, 伏, 坐, 霸佔 adj. 蹲著的, 矮胖的                        

(C)statue       n. 雕像, 塑像         

(D) `status     n. 狀態, 地位, 情形

中文: 促請美國總統歐巴馬為台灣挺進國際刑事組織觀察員身分新法案已在美國國會提出。


42.A passenger plane was forced to make an emergency _______ yesterday after an air traffic control received a bomb threat.       (104警三)

(A)exit               n. 出口; 退場; 太平門  v. 退出; 去世              

(B) `landing       n. 登陸, 降落, 碼頭              

(C)room             n. 房間, 場所, 空位  v. 住宿, 居住      

(D)take-off         v. 脫下; 起飛; 移去; 休假

中文: 昨日在航空塔台收到有炸彈威脅的情資後,一架客機被迫進行緊急降落


43.After a fatal traffic accident, authorities urge motorists to obey road safety rules and _______ to vehicles with right of way.

(A)bow            v. 鞠躬, 欠身; 順從, 屈服                

(B)dedicate      v. 獻身; 致力             

(C)hail             v. 招呼; 來自; 招呼致意;下冰雹     

(D) `yield         v. 生產, 同意, 給予; 出產, 投降, 屈服

中文: 在一場致命性交通意外後,相關當局強烈要求駕駛們遵守道路安全規則並禮讓有行駛權之車

      輛。   * 附註: 請同學留意A1-3的車禍事故


44.A series of traffic control measures were _______ on all freeways throughout Taiwan during the Tomb-Sweeping Festival from April 3-6.    

(A)dismantled               v. 拆除...的設備, 去除覆蓋物, 分解  

(B) `implemented          v. 實現, 執行, 使生效  

(C)prosecuted                v. 對...起訴; 依法進行; 告發

(D)trespassed                 v. 侵奪, 侵入, 犯罪

中文: 一連串的交通管制措施在4月3號到6號清明節期間,將在全台所有高速公路上推行


45.Taiwan and the Kingdom of Swaziland have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to cooperate on anti-terrorism, immigration affairs, and the prevention of human _______.

(A)hygiene                      n. 衛生保健, 保健法, 衛生學

(B)longevity                    n. 長壽         

(C)probation                    n. 試用, 鑒定, 見習

(D) `trafficking                n. 非法交易

中文: 台灣與史瓦濟蘭王國已簽訂在反恐、移民事務以及人口販運預防上互相合作的諒解備忘錄


*諒解備忘錄(英語:Memorandum of understanding,簡稱:MOU),一種備忘錄。它是一種文件,用來記





46.The National Police Agency (NPA) has decided to _______ the tasks of police officers to reduce their workloads.

(A)besiege          v. 圍攻; 包圍; 煩擾             

(B)improvise      v. 及興創作     

(C)recruit           v. 征募; 充實; 吸收; 雇用    

(D) `streamline  v. 使成流線型, 使合理化

中文: 警政署已決定簡化警方繁雜的任務以減少作業負擔量。

   * 附註: besiege 此字在太陽花學運(Sunflower movement)時的包圍國民黨(KMT)黨部英文新聞很常看到


47.The White House says U.S. President Barack Obama is removing Cuba from a list of state sponsors of terrorism. The removal is an important step in the president’s efforts to _______ relations between the two countries.   

(A)designate         v. 表明;指定  

(B)impress            v. 使有印象, 銘刻         

(C) `normalize      v. 使常態化; 使正常化; 使合標準  

(D)tease                v. 欺負, 取笑

中文: 美國白宮發言人表示: 歐巴馬總統正將古巴從恐怖主義資助國家清單中移除。此舉對總統致力





48.One billion teenagers and young adults around the world risk losing their hearing by listening to loud music. The U.N. agency is asking young people to turn down the volume to prevent _______ damage to their hearing.

(A)reluctant                 adj. 不情願的, 厭惡的, 勉強的    

(B)intimate                  adj. 親密的, 秘密的, 私人的  

(C)minor                      adj. 較小的, 未成年的, 二流的

(D) `irreversible           adj. 不可逆的; 不能取消的; 不能翻轉的

中文: 全球十億以上的年輕人與成年人目前正面臨因聆聽吵雜音樂而喪失聽力的風險。聯合國組織現


     * 附註: 可參考部落格內 http://cht.tw/x/ml0b0    馬王政爭之關說(influence peddling)


 preliminary/ provisional/ temporary /interlocutory  injunction





3. 於一定期限內有效,但通常需通知對造,並舉  言詞辯 (或聽證 hearing)


49.A 100-year-old Japanese woman Ms.Nagaoka became the world’s first centenarian to complete a 1,500-meter free style swimming competition in a 25-meter pool. Her race was not a race of speed but of _______, or not giving up. 

(A)frustration               n. 挫敗; 受挫; 挫折   

(B) `endurance             n. 忍耐, 耐性, 忍耐力           

(C)conference              n. 會議; 協商會; 討論會

(D)allowance               n. 補貼, 津貼; 分配額; 零用錢

中文: 日本百歲女性Nagaoka婆婆成為在一座25公尺長的泳池裡完成了1500公尺自由式的世界



50.At least 33 miners are confirmed dead from an explosion at a coal mine in the Ukrainian /jukr'eniən/  city of Donetsk  [dә'netsk]. Most of the injured miners are suffering from severe burns, smoke _______ and shock and are treated in the hospital.     

(A)ignorance                    n. 無知; 不知

(B)paradox                       n. 似非而是的論點, 自相矛盾的話; 悖論

(C)reception                     n. 接待, 接受, 歡迎

(D) `inhalation                 n. 吸入; 吸入劑

中文: 至少有33名礦工在烏克蘭頓內次克市的礦坑爆炸事件被確認身亡。受傷的礦工中大部分都遭



請依下文回答第 51 題至第 55 題:


French police on Thursday were hunting a trio of thieves who made off 逃離 with a handbag containing 5 million euros (US$5.4 million) worth of Chanel jewels in a smash-and-grab砸窗搶劫on the highway between Paris and Charles de Gaulle Airport. A Taiwanese art collector was traveling in a taxi on Wednesday afternoon through a long tunnel       51       for robbery attacks on tourists stuck in traffic when the thieves smashed a car window and       52       her handbag. The 1.3km Landy tunnel is taken by most people arriving at Charles de Gaulle [dəgo:l] Airport and heading into Paris and is the ideal spot for smash-and-grabs.





“It is often       53       delinquency* (juvenile delinquent少年罪犯). They aren’t afraid of anything, know the area and escape through emergency exits,” the source said.a A driver distracted and talking on his cellphoneb a handbag left on a passenger seat or c luxury cars carrying tourists with possibly wads ;大量的錢 of cash on them are all easy       54       . 

這往往是53當地青少年(地痞混混)犯下的罪行。消息指出: 它們天不怕地不怕,熟識地形且靠緊急出口逃跑。分心講手機的駕駛,被放在副駕駛座的手提袋亦或載著可能身懷鉅款觀光客的豪華車輛都是容易被鎖定的54目標

In February 2010, Christina Chernovetska, daughter of the then mayor of Kiev, was the victim of a similar robbery when a bag she said contained jewels worth 4.5 million euros was stolen from her. Saudi prince Abdul Aziz bin Fahd, the multimillionaire son of the late King Fahd,       55       victim to a spectacular armed raid on his convoy護航; 護送 in Paris in August last year, in which 250,000 euros and diplomatic papers were stolen. (104警三)


2010年俄國基輔市市 長的女兒Christina也是類似搶案下的受害者,當時據說裡面價值有450萬歐元的袋子從她身邊被搶走。過世的沙烏地阿拉伯國王Fahd的富豪兒子,Abdu王儲,去年8月在巴黎隨扈保護下,也55淪為被強大火力突襲下搶走25萬歐元及一些外交文件的受害者。


 出處網站:  http://goo.gl/zd8yDs 


51.(A)anxious  憂慮的, 渴望熱心的,               

    (B)eligible 符合條件的; 合格的               

    (C)notorious 聲名狼藉的, 眾所皆知的               

    (D)strategic 戰略的, 戰略上的


52.(A)appreciated 賞識; 增值; 感激;           

     (B)complimented (v.) 問候的; 稱讚誇獎的;

           註: complement (v.) 補助; 補足 

     (C)kidnapped 誘拐; 勒贖; 綁架               

     (D)snatched  攫取; 奪走


53.(A)decent  有分寸的, 大方得體的  indecent     

     (B)global  球形的; 全球的;          

    (C)local  地方的; 局部的            

     (D)vacant 空靈的, 空白的 va-/vac- 字根; 尤其是evacuate


54.(A)destinations 目的地

     (B)escapes (n.) 逃亡, 出口, 避難設備      

     (C)robberies  掠奪行為, 強盜罪      

     (D)targets 鎖定目標


55.(A)fell  fall into victim- 固定用法            

     (B)murdered    謀殺; 兇殺

     (C)rescued  援救, 營救  諧音: 來相救(台)         

     (D)stabbed 刺, 戳; 刺傷




請依下文回答第 56 題至第 60 題:


Tacoma City 很宜人的小鎮但是此文相關的訊息網路上不多,不過有找到一些相關網站,按下圖片即可瀏覽

When the police chief in Tacoma, Wash. (On April 26, 2003) shot and killed his wife in a parking lot after years of abusing her, the shock from that event 10 years ago mobilized national support for a more aggressive response to domestic violence in police households.





While police officers today are more aware of the problem, the following is also true: In many departments, an officer will automatically be fired for a positive marijuana test, but can stay on the job after abusing or battering a spouse.


    In the wake of the Tacoma killing, the International Association of Chiefs of Police strengthened its efforts to persuade departments to adopt a set of model rules on domestic violence in their own ranks. Responding to concerns that domestic violence had long been treated more leniently ['li:nɪrntlɪ寬大;溫和地;仁慈地 than other forms of misconduct, the organization called for zero tolerance for abusers, tougher pre-employment screening and a separate set of procedures to ensure rigorous 嚴謹 investigation of every accusation.






But police departments have been slow to adopt the rules. And while most officials say they treat domestic abuse by officers as they would any other form of misconduct, interviews and disciplinary records indicate that, in fact, punishment is often light and job loss uncommon.


Only a quarter of the 56 largest city and county police departments that responded to a recent survey have a distinct policy for domestic violence involving officers. And only one, Nashville, has adopted the entire model policy, according to the survey, conducted by The New York Times and the PBS (Public Broadcasting Service (公共電視網,也稱公共廣播協會或美國公共電視台) investigative news program “Frontline.” Three others — Charlotte, N.C.( North Carolina) ; Chicago; and Columbus, Ohio — follow most of its provisions/stipulations. (104警三)


出處網站:  http://goo.gl/VxRv7W 


56.What is the main idea of this passage?


(A)Domestic violence is rare among police officers.


(B)It is illegal to abuse one’s spouse.


(C)One police officer shot and killed his wife.


(D)Police departments are slow to police their own abusers.



   A.   警員間鮮少出現家暴案件。

  1. 虐待配偶是違法的。
  2. 一位警官開槍射殺他的太太。
  3. 警察部門對於內部的這些施暴者處理有如老牛拉車。




57.According to the passage, how many departments have a distinct policy for domestic violence concerning officers?


(A)1           (B)3                (C)14              (D)56



C. 14




58.According to the passage, which of the following cities has adopted the entire model policy?


(A)Charlotte, N.C.   (B)Chicago     (C)Columbus, Ohio        (D)Nashville



D. 音樂之城


59.According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

(A)Punishment is often very severe for domestic violence concerning police officers.

(B)Police officers will be automatically fired for battering their spouses.

(C)Domestic violence has long been treated more leniently than other forms of misconduct.

(D)Domestic violence has been treated aggressively in the police department


C. 長久以來,警眷家暴案件比起其他瀆職案件的處分來的更加寬容



60.According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

(A)Tacoma, Wash. has adopted the entire model policy after the accident.

(B)An officer will be automatically fired for a positive marijuana test in many departments.

(C)An officer fired for battering his wife is uncommon in the United States.

(D)Most police departments have been slow in response to domestic violence in police households.




A. 華盛頓州的Tacoma小鎮,在事件過後全盤採用了整個反家暴模組方針





 此事件對後來警眷家暴案的討論有莫大的影響,不過很殘酷的是這位小鎮的局長竟然是在兩個5歲跟8歲的小孩前開槍射殺髮妻也是小孩的媽媽,事後也開槍自殺,這對這兩個男孩的衝擊真的是... 要是對於警眷家暴案想有更進一步的資訊也可以參考此

網站: http://goo.gl/DIavGo Behind the Blue Wall;  這裡的blue代表的就是警方制服的顏色,美國當紅影集Blue Blood就是在敘述一個警察家族的故事,另外blue blood也有出身高貴之意,跟倪匡衛斯理裡面的藍血人可是一點關係都沒有喔






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警察英文 呂艾肯老師



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