重要時事補充 |
match-fixing scandal 打假球醜聞 |
malefactor 罪犯; 壞人 |
avian influenza = bird flu 禽流感 ; aviation航空 |
bomber 炸彈客 |
Musudan medium range ballistic missile (MRBM) |
舞水端中程飛彈 |
conspiracy theory/ scheme/ plot 陰謀論 |
unscrupulous 無操守不道德的 |
政府廉潔 |
integrity 正直廉潔 |
Corruption 貪污 |
Scandal 醜聞 |
bribe 賄絡 |
malfeasance瀆職 |
deprive 剝奪 |
civil servant 公僕 |
anti-graft 反貪腐 |
incarceration 監禁 |
money laundry 洗錢 |
criminal scene 犯罪現場 |
discretion 裁量權 |
核四議題 |
Nuclear power plant 核能發電廠 |
nuclear waste disposal 核廢料放置 |
nuke 核武 |
radiation fallout 輻射塵 |
leak 外洩 |
reactor 核子反應爐 |
contaminate 污染 |
demonstration 示威遊行 |
dispute/debate 爭議/執 |
referendum / plebiscite 公民投票 |
poll 民調 |
Do you agree that the construction of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant should be halted and that it not become operational?” (你是否同意核四廠停止興建不得運轉). (Taipei Times Mar 2013) |
菲律賓領海議題 (水上) |
territorial sea 領海 |
internal waters 內水 |
contiguous zone 鄰接區 |
exclusive economic zone (EEZ)專屬經濟海域 |
high seas 公海 |
straight baseline 直線基線 |
normal baseline 正常基線 |
a right of innocent passage 無害通過權 |
immunity 豁免權 |
penal/ civil jurisdiction 刑事/民事管轄權 |
right of hot pursuit 緊追權 |
right of visit 登臨權 |
ultimatum 最後通牒 |
coastguard 海岸巡邏隊 |
provoke public anger 激起民憤 |
compensation 賠償 |
diplomatic 外交的 |
sanction 制裁 |
Coastal State penalties for violations of fisheries laws and regulations in the exclusive economic zone may not include imprisonment, in the absence of agreements to the contrary by the States concerned, or any other form of corporal punishment. 沿海國對於在專屬經濟海域內違犯漁業法律和規章的處罰,如有關國家無相反的協議,不得包括監禁,或任何其他方式的體罰。 (UNCLOS 第七十三條Article 73 Enforcement of laws and regulations of the coastal State) |