三、綜合測驗:請根據題意,選擇一個最適當的答案 ( 40分)
A Spanish bullfighter was __(21)__ in Peru , and his father wants to know why his son’s body was returned to Spain with several organs __(22)__. The bullfighter’s father will travel to Peru and will not rest __(23)__ justice is served. The body of his 22-year-old son was __(24)__ in July on a beach near Lima a week after he went missing.
The young man was __(25)__ to death with a blunt object. Four people, three policemen __(26)__, confessed to the crime. They said they wanted to steal the $1,200 the young man had been paid after a bullfighting __(27)__.
A(n) __(28)__ was conducted in Peru , and the young man’s body was sent to his family in Spain three days later. A second examination in the Spanish capital showed that he was missing several organs. Even today, the mystery still remains __(29)__. (excerpted from GEPT Cloze Test by Jolihi Press, 2004)
21. (A) murder (B) murdered (C) murdering (D) to murder (E) to be murder
22. (A) missing (B) miss (C) misses (D) missed (E) to miss
23. (A) until (B) ahead (C) behind (D) because (E) during
24. (A) find (B) to find (C) finded (D) found (E) finding
25. (A) beat (B) beating (C) beaten (D) beated (E) to beat
26. (A) include (B) including (C) to include (D) included (E) inclusive
27. (A) contest (B) test (C) examination (D) protest (E) promotion
28. (A) surgery (B) autopsy (C) organ (D) orchestra (E) answer
29. (A) undeveloped (B) unveiled (C) understood (D) unemployed (E) unsolved
30. What’s the closest meaning to the word “blunt” in the second paragraph?
(A) sharp (B) bright (C) rough (D) soft (E) dull
驗屍是在秘魯進行,屍體則在三天後被送往在西班牙的家人。在西班牙首都進行第二次檢驗顯示出,屍體有多個器官不見。即使到今日,此神祕事件仍是未解之謎。 (摘自全民英檢完形填空由Jolihi出版社,2004年)
21 (B)謀殺 (be+ P.P. 被動式; 表was murdered 被謀殺)
22 (A)失蹤; 不見
(答案其實可參考倒數第二句中的he was “missing” several 即可得)
23 (A)直到 (S..not V until 直到…才/不會…)
24 (D)發現的(be+
P.P. 被動式; was found表屍體”被發現” )
25 (C)毆打 (be+ P.P. 被動式; “was beaten” to death 表”被毆”致死)
26 (D)包括 ( 文法重點在於 , N + included= , including + N)
27 (A)競賽 其餘答案則為 (B)測試驗 (C)檢驗 (D)抗議 (E)推廣
28 (B)驗屍 其餘答案則為 (A)手術 (C)器官 (D)樂團 (E)答案
29 (E)未解決 其餘答案則為 (A)未開發的(B)正式亮相/揭開 (C)理解 (D)失業
30 “鈍”在第二段是最接近的含義是什麼?
(E)不鋒利; 平淡; 愚笨; 昏暗的 (A)尖銳 (B)明亮 (C)粗糙 (D)柔軟
When society is in great disorder, harsh laws and stern measures must be used to restore order. In __(31)__ of the recent surge of crime in our society, it is necessary to revise the law to allow police and the legislature to deal sternly __(32)__ the lawless. Without the use of harsh action, criminals would absolutely not be __(33)__.
We are of course aware that rigorous laws are __(34)__ a deterrent. If crime is to be substantially __(35)__, it is essential to improve public morality through education. But this approach takes a long time to produce results.
Unfortunately, crime is multiplying __(36)__ in Taiwan , and drastic measures must be __(37)__ to check its growth. It is urgent that police __(38)__ given greater powers and that the court mete out stiff penalties for lawbreakers. (excerpted from GEPT Cloze Test by Jolihi Press, 2004)
31. (A) regard (B) view (C) return (D) matter (E) judge
32. (A) for (B) of (C) with (D) at (E) to
33. (A) doubted (B) persuaded (C) deterred (D) hated (E) motivated
34. (A) at best (B) at last (C) at first (D) at length (E) in detail
35. (A) shocking (B) increased (C) decreased (D) not changed (E) attempted
36. (A) usually (B) neutrally (C) mutually (D) happily (E) quickly
37. (A) adapted (B) accustomed (C) taken (D) decided (E) searched
38. (A) is (B) are (C) have (D) be (E) has
39. What’s NOT an example of lawbreaker?
(A) hijacker (B) murderer (C) burglar (D) pickpocket (E) eyewitness
40. What’s an example when society is in great disorder?
(A) less criminals on the streets
(B) crime rate increases
(C) crime rate improves
(D) crime rate doesn’t change
(E) public morality rises
31 (B)鑑於; 考慮到
(A)in regard to 關於(C)in return for酬謝 (D) matter of course無疑的
32 (C) deal/cope with 處理
33 (C)威懾住, 使斷念+from (A)懷疑(B)說服(D)討厭的(E)動機
34 (A)至多; 充其量 (B)最後; 終於(C)起初(D)最後, 終於; 詳細地(E)詳細地
35 (B)增加 (A)令人震驚的(C)減少(D)沒有改變(E)企圖的; 未遂的
36 (E)快速地
(A)通常(B)中性(C)互相, 彼此(D)開心地
37 (C)採取
(D)決定 (E)搜索
38 (D)be
l It is + adj that + S (should) + V . . .
本句型結構是用形容詞 important、essential、crucial、necessary、vital、urgent、imperative、proper、advisable、preferable、desirable、right、wrong、incredible、inevitable、recommend、strange、urgent等) (should) + VR形式,主要是希望讀者或聽者能按照其指示行事。通常在美式英文中,會將should省略而使用原形動詞。