SPEAKER: Wang Jin-pyng said he hopes to retain his seat to resolve a series of issues that are vital to political and social stability, eg, the budget and service trade pact.
l Speaker 作眾議院議長:立法代表會議的主持官員。
By Chris Wang and Shih Hsiu-chuan / Staff reporters
Facing accusations of influence peddling, Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng (王金平) yesterday took his battle with the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) and President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) to the Taipei District Court in the hope of retaining his KMT membership and legislative speaker position.
The court held its first session yesterday afternoon to review Wang’s challenge of a KMT decision, which revoked the 72-year-old politician’s membership in the party for his role in alleged illegal lobbying.
The court did not hand down a ruling yesterday. According to the Code of Civil Procedure (民事訴訟法), the court should make a ruling within seven days of a provisional injunction.
* hand down
〈美〉宣布(或提出)判決意見 最初該詞僅指上訴審法院向下級法院傳達其對
案件的判決意見。後也泛指法院對保留案件或法律點〔case or point reserved for
* preliminary/ provisional/ temporary /interlocutory injunction
〈美〉預防性禁制令;臨時禁制令; 假處分: 起訴後作判決之前法院簽發的禁
3. 於一定期限內有效,但通常需通知對造,並舉 行 言詞辯 論 (或聽證 hearing)。
Former Democratic Progressive Party legislator and attorney Chiu Tai-san (邱太三), who represented Wang, filed an injunction against the revocation with the Taipei District Court as well as a civil lawsuit seeking to overrule the KMT’s decision.
The Wang camp filed an additional temporary restraining order on Wednesday night, which argued that Wang should retain his position as speaker.
* temporary restraining order 〈美〉臨時禁止令、「緊急限制令」
1. 「緊急限制令」,此限制令適用於情況非常急迫之個案,法院得不通知對
造原告逕行簽發臨時禁制令〔preliminary injunction〕。旨在申請進行聽審
2. 在雙方當事人均能夠參加的情況下對要求發布禁止令〔restraining order〕的
3. 但此種限制令之效力更短,一旦法院可以舉行任何言詞辯論(包括暫時禁制
Hsu Ying-chieh (許英傑), another lawyer for Wang, said his client claimed that the KMT’s decision had violated the principle of proportionality since the party did not revoke the party membership of former Executive Yuan secretary-general Lin Yi-shih (林益世) and former Taipei City councilor Lai Su-ju (賴素如), both of whom have been indicted for corruption. Neither did the KMT grant Wang the 20-day appeal period stipulated in the party’s charter, Hsu said.
The KMT’s Anti-Corruption Committee could still reverse the punishment on appeal — but only if the punishment is found to be non-compliant with party rules. Even if that happens, Wang will still be out of the party until the committee makes a ruling, sources in the KMT said.
國民黨廉能委員會仍然可以扭轉上訴裁罰 -但僅在當懲處被發現到不符合黨規時。即便是這樣,直到該委員會作出裁決,王仍然是非黨籍身分,國民黨消息來源表示。
l Anti-Corruption provisions 排黑條款
他們表示: 2010年,國民黨修改了黨規,使黨紀處份在上訴期間仍然生效。
The KMT will not interfere with Wang’s move to request a court review of the Central Evaluation and Discipline Committee’s decision, the sources said, adding that it is his right to pursue the course of action.
Wang has been a major player in the KMT and since becoming speaker of the legislature in 1999, has enjoyed popularity among both ruling and opposition lawmakers. He started his legislative career when he was elected in 1975. He was a legislator-at-large in 2004.
Chen Ming (陳明), a lawyer who represented the KMT, said the KMT urged the court to uphold its decision to expel Wang for interfering with the judiciary. “Which deserves to be protected more? Wang’s political career or the KMT’s pledge and determination to uphold the law?” Chen asked reporters.
Gao Chiu-lai (高秋來), director of the legislature’s Conference Department, said that the notice would be processed in line with normal procedures.
n. (1) 通知;告知 將某一事實通知某人即為使該人知情,故依據當時情勢,無論其實際知道還是應當知道此事實,均得謂該人已得到通知。通知可以是實際通知〔actual notice〕、替代通知〔imputed notice〕或推定通知〔constructive notice〕。實際通知或稱明示通知〔express notice〕,是由某人以口頭或書面方式向他人所作的傳達;替代通知是由某人向他人的代理人進行通知,並假定該代理人將向被代理人告知,但該種假定可以被反駁;推定通知是指,如果某人在當時的合理情勢下經由一般性查詢即可知悉某一事實,則推定其已經知情。推定通知通常采用公共登記或其他公開方式,如政府公報。在英國財產法上曾存在一項衡平法上的通知原則〔equitable doctrine of notice〕,指當某人在被通知某一地產上存在一項在先的衡平法權利后,仍然購買該地產,則盡管其支付相應對價,亦構成惡意買主〔mala fide purchaser〕,無權通過買受普通法上地產權的方式對抗該衡平法權利。但1972年《土地負擔法》〔Land Charges Act〕中的土地負擔(例如抵押)登記制度與1925年《土地登記法》〔Land Registration Act〕中的土地所有權登記制度,已對上述原則有重大修改。
在美國,各州的制定法有所不同,計有善意登記權利優先法〔notice-race statute〕、善意買主權利優先法〔notice statute〕、登記在先權利優先法〔race statute〕等三種。
(2) 知悉;知情 指某人已獲得通知的狀況,無論其實際是否知道。就此而言,它與
(3) 認知(→judicial notice)
(4) 通知書;通知單 通知的書面形式。
(5) 告示;公告;公示
According to the Civil Servants Election and Recall Act (公職人員選舉罷免法), the legislature is required to void Wang’s status as a lawmaker and send the result back to the CEC so that it can announce the name of a KMT legislator-at-large nominee to take over Wang’s seat. Under the law, the legislature is not subject to a prescribed period to complete the process.
a. 無效的 合同、契據、交易或其他行為,如果其沒有法律效力,或者不具有當事人所意圖產生的法律效力,則屬于無效。它可以產生附帶的法律后果,例如無效的協議可能導致當事人受到處罰,如果當事人之間的協議屬于合謀的,還可以作為刑事訴訟中的證據。合同或其他行為是否無效由各個部門法,例如婚姻法、合同法、遺囑法等,根據各種不同情況和理由而予以規定。如果某一行為或交易中存在無效因素〔vitiating factor〕,例如行為非法〔illegality〕、不道德〔immorality〕等,則該行為或交易自始無效〔void ab inito〕,而不管該無效瑕疵是否在行為成立時即被發現。在英格蘭,契據也可以在某些情況下被認定為事后無效〔void ex post facto〕。例如,某一正當達成的契據在事后由于一方當事人的欺詐或懈怠而致契據的實質部分被更改的,則可能導致該契據無效。無效不同于可撤銷的〔voidable〕,并且兩者的區分在實務中具有重要意義。無效表示絕對不具有法律效力,可撤銷則表示該行為既可以被認定為無效,也可以被確認有效。
invalidated a. 失去法律效力的;無效的
nullify v. 使成為無效; 就某事項引起或表明合理地無效及不宜實行的。例如違反公共政
ineffective a. 不起作用的; 不能達到預期效果的
----未完成 請待續 Part II