- Apr 23 Tue 2013 04:05
- Oct 28 Sun 2012 01:37
The Informant
The irony is if I hadn't gone undercover, I never would have stolen the 11 and a half million dollars. It was my way out. It was my severance. What else was I gonna do, embezzlement? I had to write my own.
諷刺的是如果我沒當FBI臥底, 我就不會去弄那1150萬美金!! 我總要留條後路。那是我的離職金。我還能怎麼辦, 盜用公款? 我只能靠自己來啊。
Mark Whitacre - The informant
- Sep 27 Thu 2012 16:20
Recent trends in policing strategy focus more and more on citizen involvement and cooperation with the police (e.g. community-based policing and problem-solving policing). This trend has sensitized the police go about doing their job. Favorable attitudes toward the police are crucial to the success of this new wave of policing strategies.
- Aug 27 Mon 2012 11:24
The Cabin in the woods 詭屋
Marty: That's the whole point! Get off the grid, right? No cell phone reception, no traffic cameras. Go someplace for one God damn weekend where you can't…globally position my ass, man. This is the whole issue...
馬蒂: 這是全部的重點!擺脫框架,這樣才對吧? 沒有手機訊號,沒有測速照相。在嗨翻的周末去個GP他媽的S都定位不到的地方。這才是完整的議題!
Jules: Is society crumbling, Marty?
珠兒: 馬蒂,社會體制正在分崩離析嗎?
Marty: No, society is binding, right? It's filling in the cracks with concrete. Everything's filed or recorded, blogged, right? Chips in our kids heads so they won't get lost. Society needs to crumble. We're all just too chicken-shit to let it.
馬蒂: 沒有,反而是在凝聚。用水泥(具體事物)將所有裂縫填補。將所有一切分類歸檔、紀錄收藏或部落格分享。就像小孩被植入晶片,這樣才不會走丟。其實社會需要崩解。只是我們都太微不足道而無法疏離這個社會 (只能隨波逐流)。
- Aug 25 Sat 2012 03:39
- Aug 21 Tue 2012 16:35
dictator 大獨裁者落難記
- Jul 24 Tue 2012 16:13
The reason of the law is the soul of the law. 法理乃法律之精神。
The safety of the people is the supreme law. 人民之安寧乃最高之法律。
- Jul 02 Mon 2012 02:29
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
- Jun 20 Wed 2012 17:22
【警察考試】101年特種考試警察人員考試 三等 英文試題解答- 警察英文
- Jun 10 Sun 2012 14:49